Saturday, August 27, 2011

Enter the Dragon - Bruce Lee portraits

Some Bruce lee portraits drawn in the lobby between guests.

Friday, August 12, 2011


So its August and a lot has been going on.
I've got a job at the Swan and Dolphin resort at Disney World, drawing caricatures of the guests at the hotel. It's a pretty sweet deal, I make minimum wage hourly, plus a 10 or 20 percent commission based on how much I sell in an evening. The only drawback is that I live an hour away an it costs me 100 bucks a week just to get there and back for work.
But it's been working out well so far. Sure beats flipping burgers for my minimum wage. Plus it affords me the opportunity to produce work daily. I basically get paid to sit an doodle in the breaks between guests, which has produced a lot of work.

My personal favorite endeavor has been to develop a new character, Sidney. Sidney is an intelligent ermine-like creature and part of a race from an alternate Earth timeline. He's a scavenger and engineer, building helpful new contraptions out of bits of scrap. He can crawl into places the larger characters can't access to act as a spy or thief. He's armed with a non-lethal shock-prod, powerful enough to incapacitate large creatures. It must be cranked up for each charge.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Youtube channel - SLCreatureDesigner

Here's my new youtube account channel, featuring demo reels of my Second Life avatars.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Queen Ravager

Using the pieces from my Alien Queen and Ravager (Predalien) I've created the evolved Queen Ravager. Now I need to make the animations for her.

A moment's pause

Just thought it was interesting how a model texture turns into a really creepy absract painting of the Cheshire Cat... Huh...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Newest Second Life Creation: Arachnid Warrior

The Arachnid Warrior from Starship Troopers. Sculpted, textured, uploaded, reassembled and mapped to the base avatar today. Animated tomorrow. Booyah!